My red thread – exhibition
Place: Galeria i!
Józefińska Street 21, Cracow
telephone appointment required
17.07.2018 I had my first artistic debut. So far I had many chances to encounter art
in different ways and on different levels, but for the first time
I turned into artist by myself.
Academic work makes me concentrate on facts, which I have to
intrerpret on the next stage.
I do not say that it is not a creative work! Just opposite!
Choosing sources, hipothesis, research methods – this a a creativity in a pure way!
And it is not objective at all, but still facts are my starting point.
This time it was different. Together with Bożena Knecht we chose the motif of red thread – China, Japan, the legend, thread on a pinky finger, two people, destiny, it never breaks....
But are we really sure?
Just like that. The answer would be anything.
I felt the power of artists who can show whatever is important for them. No limits.
We created our own story.
Maybe firstly I will add the text which was used as an official description:
(Just a loose, quick translation)
My red thread
We both spin Japanese threads in our lives.
Private. Artistic. Academic.
Every one of us differently, from a different perspective.
More by an intuitional, spiritual feeling of Japan.
Or starting with facts to overcome them in a pursuit of one's own aesthetics.
We have a lot in common, but also we are different.
We do not adapt Japanese culture completely, literally,
but we look in it for the parts of our own longings and desires.
And then connect it with things important for us.
We create on the verge of cultures.
We come from different background, but meet on the space of artistic sensitivity.
Earlier we worked together on two projects: Lily- Lolita in Cracow
as the part of project body and on a bigger project Tokyo,
which still looks for its place to be displayed.
On our life paths the read threas has tangled.
It is tangling and tangling.
Red thread of fate can not be broken,
as it connects two people from birth until death.
It connects their pinky fingers what is based on the fact
that ulnar artery connects the pinky finger with heart.
—says an encyclopedia definition. But my red thread?
The thread on a pinky finger connects hearts. But when it connects legs?
When there are arms to be tied? Eyes, ears, mouth or tongue?
Or maybe head? Can we be alive with our head tangled?
Love. Friendship. Obsession.
Thread on a pinky finger. On a ring finger.
Unmei no akai ito. Thread of destiny.
Or maybe a childish play in cat's cradle.
On my hand... On my leg....
Like in the Japanese story. Or differently.
Gods tie tenuous thread on a pinky finger. Connect two people
who are destined to love each other, regardless of time, place.
The thread can not be broken.
Those people will meet themseves if they desire it or not.
Akai ito... on my hand. My red thread.
Dolls from Takeshi Kitano's movie – dolls from Bunraku theater.
Kimonos are hanging on a red rope.
Lovers connected by it travel through the country,
immersing in a cherry bloosom,
in a search of something they had forgotten about. They wanted to forget?
Red ribbon protects from evil eye.
It seems to be a little similar to "searching for one's soulmate".
And red shoes lead to the unfortune. Dance which never ends. Andersen and little Karen.
Tangled by red thread little feet.
But they said that pinky fingers. That destiny. But where will I be lead by my
red shoes. My red thread. Red ribbon. Red rope.
We are searching for... Maybe we forgot what for.
Maybe we wanted to forget.
Bożena Knecht : the author of many exhibitions both in Poland and abroad, she specializes in painting and photography. The initiator of the project body which deals with the carnality, in the interaction with other artists. In action/ exhibitions over a dozen of artists took part.
Klaudia Adamowicz: the Phd student at Jagiellonian University, Cracow, the researcher of Japanese culture, Lolita. The author of books and many papers. Now she looks for her own Japan also on the artistic ground.

In a long, narrow room, on the black wall we created the gallery of photos. Photos-memories. Photos-emotions. Memory plates as the art critic Anna Baranowa said us, reffering to Tadeusz Kantor. Cut fragments from the whole, which we are not sure if it even exists.
Arms, heads, eyes, feet. There is also a pinky finger, and the red thread. But what about head? Hands? The red thread seems to tangle them too. Squeezes them. Ties. They said about pinky fingers. About destiny. Soulmates...
Next to photos there are words. Do not seem to be connected. On the first glance they create a surrealistic mazzle. Memory stream. The speak of uncounsciusness. But they seem to be the same as pictures are. Words- memories. Words- emotions. Tangled with red thread mouth saying Do not miss me and keeping glass rose tangled hands.
In this room there is only one, straight red thread.
It leads to the smaller one which is filled with the tangle. Thread are everywhere. You can not guess where they end and where they start. If they even start. Can they even end. A viever can not enter it. This is our intimate world. Built by memories. Emotions. Plates of memory. What is more, we can not enter it now too. We can only observe. Observe as destiny ties our hands, our legs, mouths. Long thread in a black room lead us to jungle of threads. Did the legend make a fool of us? Or maybe there is a path to go back to only one red thread? But can we go back? And what is more, do we really want to?
Red threads. They lied to me saying there is only one...
That it is only on my pinky finger...
Now I know a thread can be tied on the hand that doesn't exist anymore...
Glass rose. Image. Maybe the thread is just a reflection of my wishes...
Maybe it is a part of the other world. Somewhere far where elves live...
I can not reach it. It doesn't exist...
But still I feel that there is a destiny that I am tied by...
Even if it seems like a lie. That a thread is just a spool lying on a floor. It doesn't connect anything...
That maybe there are only red shoes which try to control me. Don't allow me to move further..
Even if I try to look cool and independent...
And my hands are tied. And there is nothing building in a destiny I want to belive in...
That this power lies outside me. Can do anything with me...
I can only be an observer of my own misery...
Black. Suicide forest. Lily
I am like a doll tied by these threads. They are everywhere...
But still I feel like there is a one on my pinky finger too. Or maybe it is just a glass rose.
A mirror reflection
But does one thread reflect the tangle of them or just the opposite?
A mirror reflection
But does one thread reflect the tangle of them or just the opposite?

I dedicate this exhibition especially for my beloved mom. She was the one to show me the other world, where elves live and the red thread never breaks.
And also for my darling,
because I know that in spite of all this tangle of events, we will find the way sonn.
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