Life seen through pins

When cleaning my room some time ago
I found all my old pins and put them in one box.
Now looking at them I realised how much they say about me 
and different interests in my life.

My two probably oldest pins
are pink and cute ones.
Since childhood I was always a girly girl.

As a kid I really liked Aaron Carter.
Like my first music idol
after many others that came later.
I always dreamed to be his twin sister.

Here you have my emo life period.
Punk, bad girl, cute as hell, devil inside.
Or even better: leave me alone
or no boys allowed.

I always loved cartoons.
Peter Rabbit, Disney or ponies.

Then anime of course.
Lots of it.

Japanese music.
Versailles, Gackt and more.

Pins from JLPT Japanese exams, 
my Uni department, Japan expo.
Japan all along.

And here other Japan connected stuff.
Kawaii, Lolita Fashion, Kitty chan and (no) free hugs.

And now?
I do not really need to show who I am through pins.
There are other way of expressions-
I wanted to write but then
I looked at my phone.
How many charms I have.
Maybe most of them are not that obvious 
as the pin yaoi
but omg they say like everything about me
and some of them I value with all my life.


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