Does this spark joy? Big tidying-up

Lately I read "The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up".
It is not even that I was inspired by the book to start big cleaning,
but rather I planned to clean and used this book as an advisor.
As a result I got all crazy about it.
I spent almost all my week on cleaning my room to turn it into a dream one.

Maybe I was in a little easier situation.
I got some distance to my room
during one year in Japan.
And in fact almost all my mostly used things are left in Japan.
But still it was quite a challenge
to ask myself who I am, what I love, what kind of life I want to live.

After reading the book I really started to look at cleaning in this way.
It was kind of ceremony, a talk between me and my things.

The question of what you want to own is actually 
the question of how you want to live your life.

The timing seems to be perfect. As currently I am on the verge of many changes
in my life this kind of dialogue was really needed.
Throwing away things and then putting them in categories
was kind of a travel inside myself
and asking: what is important for me now, what kind of things
are the part of my future
and which ones I should say goodbye to.
 To put step further.
After a little practice I found myself throwing things away easily.
Just by putting it in my hands I felt if they really give me joy or not.

Spark joy. ときめく. 
What can be more beautiful than being surrounded only by
things you love which can be trated as the part of your dream lifestyle.
Dream you.

I followed konMari method
and was organizing things by categories. Step by step
until I finished them all:
clothes, books and documents, komono (small stuff), memorabilia.
Just by asking does this spark joy
it was really easy to decide if I should keep something or throw it away.
Throwing away some old souvenirs did not make me sad at all
as I know that traces of them are left inside me.
They finished their mission.
They allowed me to become person I am now.

I did not even count how many bags of trash I threw away.
But with every one of them I was feeling kind of more free.
I was becoming more aware what I love and what kind of person I want to be.
Still I have a lot of things in my room. 
But I am sure that every single one of them is sparking joy.
Now looking at my room makes me all excited.
Maybe I would change furniture, walls colour etc 
but this is the thing for the future
but if it comes to organising I feel like my room
is the most perfect I have ever allowed it to be.

All this big throwing away was not an expression
of the idea of needlessness of things.
Exactly opposite. It was from my biggest love to them.

I love things. I am connected to them. Talk with them.
Our boundaries are really strong.
But if something does not spark joy anymore it is time to say goodbye.
To create the best possible home for the ones we keep.
And the rest of them stay in us forever.

Skirts in one wardrobe. Dresses in the 2nd one.
Hats, hair accessories, blouses, tights.
Even my dog has her own shelf.

Books organised by categories:
fantasy, other novels, academic books, 
cooking, poetry, travelling, fairy tales, art, philosophy
 and Japan connected.
All documents are divided in three categories 
and hidden in Kitty-chan box.
I got rid of almost 80 books.
Some of them I have never read but
I already feel I would never read them
because I bought them as someone completely different.
I threw a lot of photocopies from university.
At the same time I confirmed to myself that I will never read them again.
They just made me tired.
No more lies. And promises I would never keep.
I know I would never read them anyway so...
But now I am free from the feeling of obligation.
At the same time I can go further and look for the new sources of knowledge.

Braclets, necklaces, rings, stationary stuff, CDs.
I have also a special place for putting my daily stuff there
so I can unpack my bag everyday.

Special box for postcards, a shelf for some favourite souvenirs.
Place for a photo and some memorable things from my love.
My favourite artist has also her special place with
a small piece I received from her.

Other important part which konMari method mentions
is decorating wardrobes inside
to turn them into your personal paradise.

To spark joy my room needs lots of decorations.
But not the random one but precisely selected.
Earlier they were mixed with other ones 
now they are distinguished. Easily visible.
I enter my room and immediately catch favourite things with my sight.
Pretty accessories hung on the wall, ponies, mascots
(well maybe the only category I have too many things in,
but they are my family), dolls.
Every single thing represents the life I want to have.
Person I want to be.

My room is mine 
and I feel it so strongly right now
that I have never before.

I feel like I really put one more step
towards the life sparking joy.

The space in which we live should be for the person we are becoming now, 
not for the person we were in the past.

PS My dog. Extra shot.


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