Who is Lily- exhibition in Les Couleurs

I would like to post some pictures
from the exhibition I was able to create lately
together with Bożena Knecht.
It is amazing to find someone who perceives the world 
on the similar level. With similar sensitivity.
Seeing the world through ethereal impressions.

Lily is the exhibition consisting of only a few pictures
exhibited in Les Couleurs on Estery 10 Street, Cracow.
It is about Lolita. About me as Lolita. About Lily.
It is about creating all world through own body.
Body is the name of the project of artist Bożena Knecht.

Photos by Bożena Knecht

Through my body
I can be who I am inside.
Who I want to be.  I create the world I do live everyday in.
The world I long for.

It is a fairytale. But a dark one.
During the exhibition opening
I was told that I look sad on all pictures.
Even those on which I smile.
Fin de siècle.
Waiting for something. With lilies in my embrace.

Yes I do wait.
I wait to go back to my own fairytale.
And doll house. And garden.

Here is the text written by me to the exhibition.
English translation is just made for the blog
so excuse me its quality.

Klaudia Adamowicz
To jest Lily i to nie jest jej czas. Nie wie czy to jest nawet jej miejsce.
Mówią, że jest jak kwiat, ale nie dlatego, że jest piękna, ale dlatego, że skądś ją wyrwano.
I teraz chodzi tu, taka niepasująca. Księżniczka porwana z bajki. Lalka zabrana z domku.
Kwiatek z dalekiego ogrodu wsadzony w ciasny wazon.

This is Lily but it is not her time. She is not even sure if it this is her place.
They say she is like a flower. But not because she is beautiful 
but because she is plucked from somewhere.
And now she is walking here around. So mismatched. 
A princess kidnapped from a fairy tale.
A doll taken from a doll house.
A flower from a far-away garden put into a narrow vase.

Ale nikt nie wie, gdzie jest ta bajka, nie wie gdzie jest ten domek. I ogród.
Czy one w ogóle są, czy też sobie je uroiła?
Uroiła pewnej nocy, kiedy nikogo nie było, a ona szukała światła przez brudne okno. 
Światła nie było, więc że niby daleko. Jakiś domek. I ogród. I bajka.

But nobody knows where is this fairy tale, where is this doll house. And garden.
Do they even exist or maybe she just imagined them herself?
Maybe she imagined them during one night when there were nobody around
and she was looking for a light through a dirty window.
There was no light. So she guessed it is far away. And a doll house. 
And garden. And this fairy tale.

Ogród lilii. Gdzieś w górach.
Lilie są takie dziewczęce. Słodkie. 
Tak pięknie pachną nad grobem. Chcą obudzić zapachem zmarłego, tak jak przyduszają żywych.
A ona tam trzyma ich bukiet i nie wie czy się przydusi, czy też obudzi. I do czego.
Czy sama siebie przydusza. Czy też budzi. I po co.
Nawet nie wie, czego by chciała.

Czy coś w ogóle by chciała.

Poza tą zagubioną bajką.
Poza tym domkiem, który może wcale nie istniał.
I ogrodem. Gdzieś w górach.

Garden of lilies. Somewhere in the mountains.
Lilies are so girly. So sweet.
They smell so beautifully over a grave. 
They want to wake up dead as they suffocate living ones.
She is holding the bouquet of them and is not sure 
if she is going to be suffocated or maybe waken up. And waken up for what.
Or maybe she suffocates herself. Or wakes herself up. And what for.
She is not sure what she wants herself.

Does she even want something.

Except the lost fairy tale.
Except this doll house which maybe does not exist at all.
And garden. Somewhere in the mountains.

Pufiasta spódniczka. Koronki. Kapelusik.
Gładzi rąbek spódnicy.
Tylko to wskazuje, że ta bajka. Ten domek. I ogród.
Że są. I że tam wróci.
Że już wróciła.

A puffy skirt. Laces. Hat.
She smooths the hem of the skirt. 
Only this shows that this fairy tale. This doll house. And garden.
That they do exist. And that she will be back.
That she is already back.

Exhibition opening


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